Outstanding Bedford Corners, NY Estate Sale
by Elizabeth Jackson
Friday, Saturday, Sunday: March 10 – 12 • 10am – 5pm
Directions: Bedford Corners is on the Bedford/Mt Kisco border (GPS address may be Mt.Kisco). The sale house is just 10 minutes from Bedford Village off route 172 going toward Mt. Kisco. From Rt. 172/Rt 22 continue past 684 and turn left onto Sarles Street. Turn left onto Byram Lake Road and then turn right onto Oregon Road. Sale house is on Oregon Road. Easy parking and easy access from NYC and CT.
ejacksonllc@msn.com 207 Liberty Square, Norwalk, CT www.elizabethjackson.com
For priority access on Friday morning, email ejpriority@optonline.net or call 203-857-4009.
Entry at start of sale on Friday will be in order of registration.
The entire contents of Springer Hill, the elegant Westchester estate built for the Heinz family in 1930 and decorated by well-known interior designer Bunny Williams, is being offered for sale: wonderful antique & custom furniture, artwork, oriental carpets, light fixtures and window treatments plus many one-of-a-kind accessories – classic lamps, leather bound books, old Chinese porcelains, carved jade & ivory, clocks, American, English & Russian silver, 16th c French verdure tapestry, pr Russian chairs, antique dining table from Sister Parrish, magnificent mirrors PLUS women’s couture & jewelry. Everything in pristine condition. A truly fabulous sale not to be missed – worth the trip from anywhere!
Furnishings: Pr 19th c Russian armchairs, Swedish empire biblioteque, 18th c French D-end dining table w/4 leaves, set of 10 Georgian dining chairs, pr 20th c consoles, Venetian, Regency & Georgian mirrors, period fauteuils, bergere chairs & ottomans, antique folio box on stand, 19th c jardinière, antique étagères, pr unique upholstered iron loveseats, steel rolling bar/ potting table, 19th c leather top writing tables, Maison Jansen coffee table, Chinese lacquer console, Chinoiserie chow table, bouilotte tables, upholstered benches, custom down sofas, loveseats & clubchairs, custom Queen beds, King steel 4-poster, 18th c chest, ant needlepoint screen, antique French daybed, 18th & 19th Eng oak tables, collection of leather-bound books, 19th c Fr and German mantle clocks, Louis XVI armchairs, gondola chairs, early pine chests, Welsh cupboard, grain painted blanket chest, farm table w/6 windsor chairs, fine linens, fabrics, pillows, all drapery treatments, terrace chaises, umbrellas, dining tables & chairs, exercise rm w/True treadmill.
Porcelain: 2 pairs of Chinese temple jars, Chinese export collection, lg Meissen tureen, antique Chinese garden stools, lg glazed Chinese mud man w/moveable head, Portmerion ware.
Silver: Outstanding St. Petersburg Russian sterling bear w/diamond eyes, Russian enamel & sterling access., Cartier, Tiffany & antique English sterling pcs.
Art: Group of 4 antique Chinoiserie o/c panels, 19th & 20th c oil paintings, 18th & 19th c engravings, 19th & 20th c watercolors, small bronzes, lg Chinese white jade sculpture, carved ivory figures, antique Italian carved wooden busts, carved alabaster, onyx & marble, lg French 16th c verdure tapestry, framed antique embroideries & cutwork shadowboxes.
Carpets: Room size antique Oushak & semi-antique Tabriz, African & Moroccan hand-woven rugs, needlepoints, large sisal area rugs.
Light fixtures: Antique Italian beaded crystal chandelier, unusual toleware bird chandelier, mirrored tole chinoiserie pagoda chandelier, Italian lanterns, classic brass lantern from Waterloo station, mirrored sunburst fixture, giltwood sconces, superb lamps – marble, alabaster, giltwood, ebony, celadon, antique carved wood & tole floorlamps & pr of Robt Kime brass floorlamps.
Elizabeth Jackson Estate sales
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036