Featuring the Lifetime Collection of
C. Burton Culver, Branchville, NJ
SAT, OCT. 7, 9:30 AM | SUN, OCT. 8, 10 AM
9 Lloyd Avenue, Branchville, New Jersey 07826
Previews: Thurs. Oct. 5, 9 AM – 4 PM
Fri. Oct. 6, 10 AM – 6 PM
Day 1 – ARTWORK: Louis Larsen, C. Dougherty, George W. Roy, B. Van Der Leck, Currier & Ives, Pierre Nuyttens, Pair of Hunting Dogs attr. Howard Hill, Henry Gasser, Winifred Rogers, W. Rutherford, Henry Kaneps, Deane Uptegrove, Theodore Brown, John Moore, David Bathgate, John Newton Howitt, S.V. Curtis, Edna De Neef, Various Frames and MORE.
FURNITURE: Green Corner Cabinet, Cherry Corner Cabinet, Sussex County Corner Cupboard, Stepback Cupboard, Sussex County Hanging Cupboard in Paint, Bergen County Cupboard in Blue w/ Shoe Feet, Hudson Valley Cupboard, Scrub Top Table, (6) Curly Maple Stands, One Drawer Stand w/Inlay, Two Drawer Sewing Stand w/Lyre Base, Blue Painted Blanket Chest, PA Paint Decorated Blanket Chest w/Star, Miniature Painted Blanket Chest in Yellow, Figured Maple Box, Red Box w/Blue Interior, Diminutive Sheraton Chest, Miniature Cherry Empire Chest, Carved Wooden NJ Spoon Holder, 18th C. Queen Anne Drop-Leaf Table, Windsor Chairs, Porringer Top Table, Slant-Lid Desk on Frame, Mahogany Slant-Front Desk, NH Banker’s Desk, Early Cherry Dresser, Gum Wood Cabinet, Bergen County Child’s Ladder Back Rocker, Cherry Candlestand, Federal and Empire Mirrors, Curly Maple Reverse Painted Mirror, Tall Case Clock from Hussey Family (Roxbury, MA), Mirror Face Shelf Clock (Putnam Bailey, CT), Windsor Chairs, 18th C. Sussex County Rocker, Pine Water Bench, Red Painted Rope Bed, NJ Curly Maple Bed, Chippendale Banket Chest (Sussex Co.), Early Mirror w/Eagle Motif, Hepplewhite Shaving Mirror, Tiger Maple Commode, Scalloped Hanging Shelf in Red, Modern Windsor Side Chair by Robert Barrow and MORE.
POTTERY: (150+) Redware Pieces Including: Pair of Multi-Color Slipware Decorated Plates w/Flowers in Pots, (3) Slipware Pie Plates w/ Name Decoration, (10+) Slipware Pie Plates, Slipware Loaf Dish and Charger, Slipware Bowl w/Bird Motif, Green Flowerpot by John Bell/Waynesboro, Multi-Colored Glaze Flowerpot attr. Bell/Strasburg, Pitcher signed J. Cole, Decorated Pitcher attr. to Fahr (Berks County, PA), Milk Pan, Figure of Man w/Stump, Jars, Banks, Molds, Pitchers, Trivets, Roach Trap, Miniatures, Butter Stamps, Teapot, Pair of Indian Bookends, Animal Figures, Breininger Pottery, Stahl Cat and MORE.
(25+) Stoneware Pieces Including: Blue Decorated C. Smith/ Alexa/D.C. Crock, Blue Decorated John Bell/Waynesboro Crock (dated 1863), Preserve Jar John Bell/Waynesboro, Hound Handle Pitcher w/Eagles (Jersey City), Blue Decorated Chicken Pecking Corn Crock, Blue Decorated Bird Crocks, Blue Decorated Stein,Blue Decorated Floral Crock, Ovoid Jug w/Incised Leaves in Blue, Ovoid “BOSTON” Jug, Ovoid “Goodwin & Webster”, Ovoid NJ Jug w/Pressed Bird and Leaf Pattern, Petite Open Handled Crock w/ Blue Decoration, Miniature Blue Decorated Cup, Flasks, Blue and White Stoneware, Sewer Tile Spaniel, and MORE.
METALWARE: Pair of PA Decorated Sconces with Punchwork Tulips, Push-Up Candlesticks, Spatulas, Sugar Nips, Adjustable Wrought Iron Candlestand, Toleware Domed Boxes, Egg Shaped Biscuit Cutter, Miniature Gooseneck Teakettle, (15+) Brass Candlesticks, Early Brass Twist Candlesticks w/ Repoussé, 18th C. Brass Strainer, Wafer Iron, Copper & Brass Tankard (Schaefer, Philadelphia), Collection of Pewter including: Coffee Pot by Crossman, West and Leonard, Teapot by J. Danforth, Deep Dish by S. Stafford (NY), Basin and Porringer by T. Danforth III, Plate by S. Danforth, English Tankard, English Plates, Candlesticks and MORE
WOODENWARE: Early Bowls, Painted Red Bowl, Tiger Maple Rolling Pin and Paddles, Mortar & Pestles, Miniature Footstools, Figural Nutcrackers, Carved Pipes, Shaker Oval Box, Butter Stamps including: Lollipop-style Pinwheel, Cow, Heart/Tulip, Eagle, Geometric (dated 1819), Adjustable Wooden Candleholder, Early Wooden Wall Box, Slide Lid Box, Springerle Board, Carved Scoops and MORE.
TEXTILES: (4) Hand-stitched Quilts, (3) Coverlets including: Sussex County 1838, Bergen County 1839 and PA 1844, Samplers dated 1802 and 1843, Bill Rank Theorem, Braided and Hooked Rug, Early William Penn Book in Stitched Cover (1772) and MORE.
FOLK ART: Carved and Painted Figure of a Young Black Boy, Painted and Carved Wall Box with Birds/Hearts (dated 1932), Carved Wooden Indian, (10+) Carved Canes, Carved Whimseys, Tramp Art, Chalkware, Red Doll Cradle, Painting of Kittens, Scalloped Sewing Box w/ Heart Pincushion, Carved Railroader Figure, Brass and Metal Decorated Container, Paint Decorated Three Drawer Tiered Box (NY), Pair of Carved Eagles w/ Fox and Wolf, Water Color of Running Deer, Primitive Water Color by Otto Dierking, Pen and Ink of Young Girl, Collection of Sailors’ Whimseys including: (3) Scrimshaw Whale Teeth, Jagger, Rolling Pin, Inlaid Tray, Canes and MORE.
ORIENTALIA: Finely Carved Spinach Jade Dragon Seal, (50+) Chinese Export Canton Pieces including: Platters, Plates, Candlesticks, Warming Dish, Teapots, Tureens, Reticulated Baskets, Covered Vegetables, Ginger Jars, Pitchers and MORE. Chinese Export Hot Water Dishes, Rose Medallion, Imari, Satsuma, Rosewood Stands, Jade, Asian Bronze, Cloisonné, Chinese Porcelains, Lamps including: Soapstone, Famille Rose, Canton, Cinnabar and MORE.
SPECIAL INTEREST: Quality 19th C. O/C of Chicks and Rabbits, Early 19th c. O/C of Young Boy (Sitter is Theodore Brown, Morris/Passaic County, NJ), Wooden NJ Travel Sign (Franklin, Lafayette, Branchville), Large Wooden Thermometer, Pair of O’Dell Marionettes (Branchburg, NJ), Cast Iron Doorstops, Bronze Bookends (signed Eberle), (4) Dedham Rabbitware Pieces, Glass Swirl Shooter Marble, Miniature Hayfork and Hoe, Early Cat Squeaker, English Blue Slip Decorated Deep Dish, Yellowware, Early Pocketwatch Hutch, Schoenhut, Early Dolls, 1840 Silhouette “George Hussey” (attr. to August Edouart), Staffordshire Figures, Large Doulton Holbein Jardiniere with Cows, Trenton and Hotel Belvidere Pitchers, Mezzotint of G. Washington and Family (after Edward Savage), Blown Glass, Slate Sundial “1832”, Native American Axe Heads, Carved Indian War Club, African Bowl, Watercolor and Pastel of a Boat Flying American Flag signed Warren and MORE DAY 2 – (UNCATALOGED): Blue Decorated Stoneware, Redware, Country Furniture, Orinetalia, Sterling & Coin Silver, Jewelry, New Jersey Books, Local Artwork, Advertising, Textiles, & More.
Terms: 15% Buyer’s Premium Cash or Check, 18% Credit Cards,
23% Live Auctioneers. Absentee & Phone Bidding.
Internet bidding will be facilitated by Liveauctioneers.com
Bidders who wish to participate on-line are encouraged to register 24 hours prior to the auction. Absentee bids will be gladly accepted. Phone lines for bidding are limited and must be reserved by 6:00 PM Friday, October 6th.
More information regarding the auction, please contact Hartzell’s
Auction Gallery Inc. at 610.588.5831 or e-mail hartzell@epix.net
Additional information & photos can be found on
hartzellsauction.com and Auctionzip.com
Hartzell’s Auction Gallery Inc.
521 Richmond Road, Bangor, PA 18013
610/588/5831 1-800-724-6808 FAX: 610/588/6206
PA # AU – 000395-L AH – 1919 EST. 1943
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036