Ron Rhoads Wintertime Fun Antique Auction
Saturday January 27, 9 AM
Preview: 7:30 AM to sale time
Snow Date January 28, 9 AM
20 Bonnie Brae Road, Spring City, Pa. 19475
Directions: Route 724 to Bonnie Brae Road, follow signs
Furniture, Glassware, Primitives, Collection of Costume Jewelry, Boxes of Books, Children’s, Loads of Early Valentines, and entire Back Room of Barbie Dolls, Clothing, Bodies, Heads, etc from Joshard… is astounding amount….. sold in large lots. Other Dolls and toys….! Showcases of Dishes from old Merritt’s Store! FURNITURE: Oak Curved Glass China, Cottage Washstands, Victorian Chairs and Rockers, Bookcases, Painted Chairs, Mahogany Desk, Walnut Cradle, Smoking Stand, Rowe Sofa and Chair, Country Footstools, Leather Style Chairs, Walnut Marble Top Stand, Plant Stand, Stars, Outdoor chairs, Benches, Painted Chairs, house full of country. ANTIQUES: Sterling, Silverplate , Longeberger Baskets, County Kitchen items, Fifty’s Glass, Colored Glass, Pressed glass, Cut Glass, Fostoria, Milk Glass, Nippon , Noritake, Many Early pieces of China and sets of Dishes from old Merritts Store, Oil Lamps, Collection of Glass Shades, Railroad Shades and globes, Dioramas Boats Planes and Tanks in shadow boxes, Matchboxes, Quilts, Linens, Lots of old material , Fancy Mantle Clocks, Stangle, Thistle Pattern Dishes, Crocks and Jugs, Depression Glass, Wooden Advertising Boxes, Baskets, Knick Knacks, Christmas items, and lots of Costume Jewelry and sterling, sold in lots……. the place is full! PAPER & BOOKS: Boxes of Books, lots of Childrens Books, Back Room Incredible Early Valentines Cards, Golden Books, some early, Reference Books, just a fun lot collected for 20 years…there may be some real surprises…..we can tell when we open boxes! Joshard Barbie Collection: Over 70 boxes full of Barbie Accessories, Head, Bodies, Full Dolls, hundreds of Doll Dresses, there is so much we can only put it into large lots…..hundreds of shoes, wigs, material used for his dolls, this is a treasure trove of old Barbie items……too much to sort! Here is a chance to find what you are looking for, lots of newer Barbie Boxes, Gene Boxes, Effanbee Dolls in ob, Bisque doll parts, vintage white Victorian dresses, ribbons, everything to dress all styles of dolls, Doll Stands, Barbie Stands, GI Joe, and lots of other dolls too, finding more each day!
13% Buyers Premium 3% Discount Cash or Check
610-385-4818 • WEB: WWW.ECHANT.COM
Ron Rhoads AU 002045L | Eileen Rhoads AU 003750L
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036