E.S. Eldridge On Site Estate AUCTION
Saturday, Jan. 27th
11am sale, 9am Insp.
Rain or Snow
28 Krug Rd • Preston, CT
15% Buyer’s Premium • Cash or Check • MC or Visa
A fantastic Farm Auction, Mr. Bedow collected everything related to Farm, Metal working, woodworking and everything in between. Tractors of all types, complete metal working shop with many early machines and go with, complete woodworking shop in basement with everything related to that profession and other related items. There are 200+ pictures on our auctionzip.com site #2328. You will see why it’s a great sale. This house is down a long dirt road and you will park in fi eld. PLEASE do not drive a compact auto to the auction. Bring a truck . Plan to join us for this auction.
Ernie Eldridge Auctioneer • 860 450-0525
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036