WED, FEB. 28, 2018 at 6:30 PM
Inspections: 12:00 – 6:30 PM
573 Main Street, Cromwell, CT
Auction of Antique furniture, quantity of glass, china, rugs, paintings, prints & other art work from a home in Glastonbury.
Partial listing: 1 & 2 drawer blanket chests –1 w/old red paint, small size blanket chest, cupboard w/multi drawer bottom & shelf top, French style desk, Antique English 3 drawer w/split drawer at top & bracket feet, oak double glass door bookcase, Mission oak desk, post beds, Kindell – Grand Rapid 5 drawer chest, painted blue water bench, 1 drawer Pembroke drop leaf table w/stretcher base, English oak table w/curved overhang top & 3 drawers below, pine work table, round wicker table w/metal support & other wicker – camel seat, pair patio chairs w/cushions, ball & claw foot chair plus other small pieces of furniture. – Misc: pair large oriental ginger jars, crimpled edge epergne w/ thin red lines on edge, pair covered compotes & others, unusual Waterford decanter in form of top, baccarat decanters, service for 12 – Wedgewood – “Leachfield” Florista stemware and boxes of unpacked glass, yellow ware bowls, jug w/blue butterfly #2, jug & crock – SL. Pewtress & Co. Fair Haven #2 – both w/blue, turn of century grandfather clock w/wooden works, antique shelf clock w/ wooden works, Chippendale, OG, large gilded bulls eye mirror, oval shaving mirror w/3 drawer base, wall sconces, oil lamps, store type hanging fixture, silver plate tea set, bed warmer, antique jam hook, CT. brass Andirons, fender, etc., 2 lg. Bronze Remingtons – 2nd Time Around “Cowboy & Wool claps”, large sleigh bells, linens, costumes, coverlets, steiff puppet, squirrels & Story book dolls, baskets, boxes – studded, oriental, round, porcupine, painted etc., hooked rugs, planters, jardiners – Art: lg painting W. Fraser – water w/seaside houses, Lg painting – ? Pankson – early 1886 – fighting ship battle on Ruff water – English, painting Western scene – Cowboy w/sheep, unframed pt – fruit, pt on board – sheep – ? Galhand, Oriental water colors & prints signed, Audo print – “Mallard” 1950’s, Frullino A Marelle “Nature delady” Lithograph G. Salvi Prato (Tosano) pencil drawings, prints and other art work.
Telephone: (860) 342-2540
Day of Sale: (860) 632-8212 or (860) 597-1215
P.O. Box 141, Portland, CT 06480
15% Buyers Premium – Cash or Checks | 18% Buyers Premium – Credit Cards
Terms: Cash, Checks with established credit,
Most major credit cards accepted
See more pictures on: www.auctionzip.com – ID # 14542
Directions: Rt. 9 North Exit 18 (3miles) – Rt. 9 South Exit 19, left on to
Main St, turn left. I-91 North Exit 21, left Rt. 372 to Main St., turn left.
Antiques & Estates Bought or Sold on Consignment
No Lot Too Large or Too Small!!!!
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036