Jackie Robinson’s 1956 H&B game-used bat, $43,614.
OSPREY, FLA. – Private Collections Auction has reportedly set three world records for Civil War relic firearms at their September 1 sale.
According to the gallery, a Colt Model 1855 First Model Revolving Percussion Two-Band Army Rifle in .44 caliber, identified as the personal firearm of General Albert J. Meyer, founder of the Signal Corps, reached $30,800.
The gun hailed from the first contract of 100 pieces from Colt, and featured a low 33 serial number. A daguerreotype of General Meyer holding this weapon and an affidavit from Meyer’s great-grandson identifying the rifle, as well as the General’s war record and pay records, accompanied the weapon.
A Blakeslee Ten Tube “Quickloader” Calvary Cartridge Box for the Spencer 56-60, invented by Col. Erastus Blakeslee, fetched $7,150. The box was complete with the original belt, ten tin tubes and the hinged six sided box and cover.
A Blakeslee Six Tube “Quickloader” Calvary Cartridge Box for the Spencer 56-60, an extremely rare six tube variety (one tube missing), with original shoulder strap, realized $7,425.
The gallery believes their auction to be the largest in Florida for a private collection of Civil War antique firearms and accoutrements. The gross was in excess of $400,000. Bidders from as far away as Germany, California, and New York participated by phone, and bidders from Texas, Georgia, Virginia, Missouri and other states as well as locals were present.