(Left) Oil on canvas painting by Granville Redmond, titled “Rolling hills with California poppies” ; Guy Rose’s oil on canvas painting titled “View from Arroyo Terrace, Pasadena.”
LOS ANGELES — Bidders nationwide and around the world responded enthusiastically to the collection of Jack and Ellen Phillips of San Diego, Calif., which blasted through its estimate by more than one and a half times, totaling $1.487 million and achieving “white glove” status in an online auction conducted January 15-16 by Andrew Jones Auctions.
The sale was highlighted by two California Impressionist paintings by Granville Redmond (1871-1935) and Guy Rose (1867-1925), both works finishing at $237,500. Redmond’s oil on canvas was titled “Rolling hills with California poppies,” and Rose’s oil on canvas was titled “View from Arroyo Terrace, Pasadena.” Each sailed past estimate to post the identical selling price. More on this 500-lot auction will appear in a later review.