Four of the redware pieces reported stolen, including, at upper right, a speckled-glaze redware jug marked “John Bell” on the shoulder.
NORTHEAST OHIO – A theft is reported to have taken place in northeast Ohio during the month of April from a storage building. Items taken include redware, stoneware, small antiques, a quantity of various fruit jars, old bottles, insulators, brass heart-shaped railroad locks and telegraph apparatus (Morse keys, etc.), some marked “Tillotson.” A speckled-glaze redware jug is marked “John Bell” on the shoulder.
Detective Vetter at the Geauga County sheriff’s office, who is investigating the theft, said that happily about 60 percent of the stolen items have been recovered. Some items are known to have been sold at the Andover, Ohio, flea market (Ashtabula County) and possibly at the market in Rogers, Ohio. Items may also have been sold to unsuspecting individuals in the Akron, Barberton, Canton, Hartville, Alliance, Chardon, Ravenna, Warren or other Ohio areas and surrounding states.
Anyone with any information on the whereabouts of any of these items is asked to contact Detective Vetter at the Geauga County Sheriff’s office at 440-279-2079. The police advise that anyone who is offered similar items in the future should get a license plate number and description of vehicle. Any groups or individual better quality jars, bottles or insulators should be considered suspicious, and the police should be notified so they may cross reference their list of stolen items.
Reference police report number G17-06516 Geauga County, Ohio.