[Editor’s note: Sandra Mackintosh Buhalis, an active collector and lover of antiques, died December 1. Her shop, East Market Street Antiques in Red Hook, N.Y., was a haven for many wondrous collections of art and sculpture and her decades-old vision of what was beautiful to her. The following obituary was submitted by her son Jason Buhalis].
I have decided to write my obituary to spare others from having to dig up facts that don’t record a life lived and loved. Not much to tell. I was born in Michigan to a large family with five siblings, all very creative and tortured, trying to unite the divide between “Cosmos and Cosmopolitan.” I am number five, the number denoting change.
Perhaps I was the one chosen to heal the enormous legacy burden.
My father was an elegant soul, descended from a king, and consciously or unconsciously carried the mantle with great sensitivity and regard for life and all of its inhabitants, all these centuries later. My mother was a driven creative being in all that she did. Her one desire in life was to attend the art school where I later matriculated and married the assistant director. No accident there.
A difficult birth kept me largely connected to Source and that has been my mainstay and my path. I feel as though I have never “chosen” but have been deftly directed by the seminal primal forces that might direct each of us if we allow. A difficult but privileged life, my path has been strewn with remarkable souls who have defined and redefined me in so many ways. I am the product of you all — seen and unseen.
There have been four Christines (Christ-ines) who have kept me feeling loved and buoyed throughout this journey.
My son Jason Mackintosh, who is so aligned with Source that he has brought Creation’s plan for me (and perhaps all of us) into clear focus. “Allow and embrace all that is. No resistance.” Many lifetimes’ work for most of us.
My daughter Elektra Kyria — the vigilant, intelligent, creative watcher and caregiver whose insights are astounding and whose devotion to truth is clear and brave and immoveable.
A stepson and his caring wife who have been generous and supportive in all matters.
A courageous stepdaughter who has weathered Mount Everest with uncanny ease as she embraces “things as they are.”
Steve Cohen, who has helped me birth so much powerful sculpture (channeled to me by the grace of Creation) with his patient, compassionate and gifted hands and regard for beauty.
For Alexander Obelensky, grandson of Czar Nicholas, who has recreated Tesla’s magnetic resonator and uses it for healing purposes that have not yet become mainstream.
For Dr Art Adel who founded the rings around Saturn and who spent the night with me at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff watching the perihelion between the moon, sun and earth.
I have been gifted by many souls who have worked tirelessly to make “invisible things visible” to me. Years ago I was in the elevator in the Fuller Building in New York City, and Robert Hughes, the Australian art critic, was also in the elevator and asked me to say something about my work (which had been meaningfully reviewed by many) to which I replied “if I could speak of it I would be Cicero and I wouldn’t stop talking!” He said, “Could you give me four words?” Source gave me those words clearly and succinctly: “genuine impulse faithfully followed!”
There are countless of you who have stepped forward with such loving and generous hearts (you know who you are) and this has sustained me and held me here beyond my capacity to hold this life by my-self. Food is love and there have been so many who have helped me to sustain my body with nourishment that has created a wonderful living fullness and life in spite of the medical facts and diagnosis. Dr Randall Rissman, who has tirelessly and patiently shared the endless depth of his soul for the past 35 years and comforted me throughout many life changes. Alfonso Cutugno, painfully sensitive oncologist, who has held my hand and heart in a most delicate balance. Dr Robert Smith, radiation oncologist, who jumped through hoops to provide loving and timely care when needed.
Yes, I have learned that Love is the bottom line where there is no longer a bottom. Move beyond your capacity — always. And know that “truth is beauty and beauty truth. That’s all ye know on earth and all ye need know.” (Keats)