Bruce Garrett, manager of the Rhinebeck Antiques Fairs, announced this week two changes in the schedule for the remaining 2012 fairs. “Summer Magic,” the July fair at the Dutchess County Fairgrounds, has been cancelled due to the availability of some of the buildings. “The places we wanted to use, because of air-conditioning, conflicted with the fairground’s need of the buildings in order to be ready for the annual fair,” Bruce said. “We had no choice but to cancel for this year,” he added.
Concerning the Rhinebeck Antiques Fair in October, a longtime fixture on the Columbus Day weekend, new dates, October 13‱4, have been announced. “We have moved off one week in order not to conflict with the series of four shows that take place in Vermont, as well as the ADA/Historic Deerfield Antiques Show, on October 6‷,” Bruce said. He noted that some of the dealers who take part in Rhinebeck also exhibit in one of the Vermont shows, so “to make it easier for everyone, we moved off a week as the buildings at the fairgrounds were available at that new time,” he said.
For those who carry a pocket calendar, or such information on a smart phone, note those changes.